

Lachlan Dreher

Lachlan is a chemical engineer with over 25 years’ experience in the fields of risk management and process safety. Prior to starting R4Risk, he had worked for 18 years as a risk consultant with VRJ Risk Engineers, ModuSpec and Lloyd’s Register.


Brian Cooper

Brian is a chemical engineer with 30 years’ experience in high hazard petrochemical manufacturing operations and risk management operations.


Elio Stocco

Elio is a chemical engineer with over 25 years’ experience in operations and risk management. Elio has been a Director of R4Risk since 2011 and has extensive experience in the application of various risk assessment methods across a range of industries.

Principal Risk Consultant

Kate Filippin

Kate is a chemical engineer with over 20 years’ experience in a wide variety of risk assessment and safety management techniques across many industries. She is experienced in the practical implementation and development of Safety Cases for Major Hazard Facilities, as well as layers of protection analysis, building impact studies, facilitation of risk assessments, quantitative risk assessments, fire safety studies and consequence modelling.

Principal Risk Consultant

Karen Robertson

Karen is a chemical engineer with extensive technical management, process safety and operational experience in the petrochemical and oil and gas industries. During this time, she has delivered risk reduction, asset improvement and cost-effective operations in dynamic high-hazard environments.

Principal Risk Consultant

Patrick Walker

Patrick is a Principal Risk Consultant with over 15 years’ experience in the risk sector, particularly in the areas of consequence modelling, fire safety studies, hydraulic modelling, quantitative risk assessments and occupied building risk assessment.

Principal Risk Consultant

Michela Leedow

Michela is a chemical engineer with over ten years’ experience in manufacturing and risk management. In this time, Michela has worked closely with a number of Major Hazard Facilities in the preparation of Safety Cases, reviewing changes, implementing management for controls and participation in audits. This has included a two-year secondment to Viva Geelong Refinery as an integral member of the process safety implementation team.

Principal Risk Consultant

Richard Rhimes

Richard is a Registered Engineer in Australia and Nigeria; Engineering Executive within Engineers Australia, a Chartered Professional Engineer in Australia and a Certified Safety Professional in the USA. Richard has over 40 years of engineering and management experience

Principal Risk Consultant

Colin Moffat

Colin is a chemical engineer with over 20 years’ experience in the oil & gas and petrochemical industries, including extensive experience in process safety and risk engineering.

Principal Risk Consultant

Max Thompson

Ed is a chemical engineer with 35 years’ experience as a Process Engineer in engineering design and plant operations in the hydrocarbon, petrochemical, chemical and mining industries.

Lead Risk Consultant

Simon Reveley

Belinda is a chemical engineer with over nine years’ experience in operations (mining and oil and gas) and risk management. She has been involved in a wide range of projects for a variety of industries, including petrochemical, chemical, water treatment, mining and logistics. Belinda has experience with quantitative risk assessments, consequence modelling (fire, toxic dispersion and explosion), hazard identification workshops and risk assessment workshops. She also has experience with risk analysis and safety database software, including RiskView, PHA-Pro, PHAST, First Priority, OCIS and Stature. Previously, Belinda worked for Origin Energy and BHP.

Lead Risk Consultant

Belinda Beale

Belinda is a chemical engineer with over nine years’ experience in operations (mining and oil and gas) and risk management. She has been involved in a wide range of projects for a variety of industries, including petrochemical, chemical, water treatment, mining and logistics. Belinda has experience with quantitative risk assessments, consequence modelling (fire, toxic dispersion and explosion), hazard identification workshops and risk assessment workshops. She also has experience with risk analysis and safety database software, including RiskView, PHA-Pro, PHAST, First Priority, OCIS and Stature. Previously, Belinda worked for Origin Energy and BHP.

Senior Risk Consultant

Samara Smith

Samara is a chemical engineer with qualifications from Monash University. She had completed a Bachelor of Science / Engineering (Honours), where she majored in chemical engineering, atmospheric science and applied mathematics. She was on the Monash University Faculty of Engineering and Facility of Science Dean’s Award List in 2016 and 2018. Since commencing at R4Risk, Samara has undertaken consequence modelling, such as toxic vapour dispersion modelling and jet-fire modelling. She has been lead analyst for fire safety reviews for industrial facilities and been the technical scribe for HAZOP workshops.

Risk Consultant

Denis Barritt

Denis completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) with First Class Honours and a Bachelor of Business (Management) at RMIT University. Since working at R4Risk, Denis has participated in a magnitude of client projects, including technical studies such as consequence modelling for a major Australian manufacturing company, as well as undertaking fire safety studies and occupied building risk assessments.

Risk Consultant

Sankha Kumaragamage

Sankha completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical & Process Engineering) at University of Moratuwa and a Master of Engineering (Chemical Engineering with Business) at University of Melbourne.

Risk Consultant

Vidul Bandara

Vidul completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) with First Class Honours and a Bachelor of Business (Management) at RMIT University. Since working at R4Risk, Vidul has participated in a multitude of client projects, including technical studies such as consequence modelling for a major Australian manufacturing company, as well as undertaking fire safety studies and occupied building risk assessments.

Risk Consultant

Craig Walker

Denis completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) with First Class Honours and a Bachelor of Business (Management) at RMIT University. Since working at R4Risk, Denis has participated in a magnitude of client projects, including technical studies such as consequence modelling for a major Australian manufacturing company, as well as undertaking fire safety studies and occupied building risk assessments.

Risk Consultant

Archit Gautam

Archit completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) with First Class Honours at RMIT University. Since working at R4Risk, Archit has participated in a multitude of client projects, including technical studies such as consequence modelling for prominent Australian organisations, as well as scribing in numerous HAZOPs and Risk Assessment workshops and assisting with quantitative risk assessments.

Risk Consultant

Nikita Atal

Nikita recently graduated with a Masters of Engineering (Chemical with Business) from the University of Melbourne. Honours 1st Class from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology . Since joining the team at R4Risk, Nikita has participated in a variety of different projects – including bowtie and HAZOP workshops, fire and toxic consequence modelling, as well as the development of a safety case.

Risk Consultant

Celeste Thomson

Nikita recently graduated with a Masters of Engineering (Chemical with Business) from the University of Melbourne. Honours 1st Class from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology . Since joining the team at R4Risk, Nikita has participated in a variety of different projects – including bowtie and HAZOP workshops, fire and toxic consequence modelling, as well as the development of a safety case.

Business Development Coordinator

Laura Carpenter

Kate is R4Risk’s Administration Coordinator. She has over ten years’ experience in this field. Previously, she worked as an Administration and Office Manager at an accounting firm.

Business Development Assistant

Meg Punzet

Kate is R4Risk’s Administration Coordinator. She has over ten years’ experience in this field. Previously, she worked as an Administration and Office Manager at an accounting firm.

Administration Coordinator


Amanda is R4Risk’s Administration Coordinator. She has over 25 years of experience in a wide variety of Administrative Support roles across many industries including finance, healthcare, publishing and engineering.