Process Safety Management

Bowtie Analysis
Bow-tie diagrams are a simple and effective tool for communicating risk assessment results to employees at all levels. The diagrams clearly display the links between the potential causes, preventative and mitigative controls and consequences of a major incident.

Dangerous Goods Management
Difficulties can arise for the operators of facilities where the management of safety associated with dangerous goods / hazardous substances is not part of the core business. In-house expertise is commonly not available to properly manage the associated risk. R4Risk can provide specialised support in these cases.

Major Hazard Facilities
R4Risk understands the requirements and expectations of the different regulatory regimes having worked with clients and the regulators in all states. R4Risk consultants have provided expertise to Worksafe Victoria in the technical assessment of MHF Safety Cases, Department of Mines & Petroleum (WA) for MHF safety report auditing and to Comcare as an MHF expert panel consultant.

Process Safety
Process safety, or Process Safety Management, focuses on preventing catastrophic accidents, particularly fires, explosions and toxic releases associated with the manufacture, storage and use of hazardous chemicals and petroleum products.

Safety Case
R4Risk is well-placed to assist your safety case development / review project. R4Risk understands the requirements and expectations of the different regulatory regimes having worked with clients and the regulators in all states.