Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances
Hazardous substances and dangerous goods are present in many workplaces. If not stored and handled appropriately, these materials can pose a significant risk to people, property and the environment.
Difficulties can arise for the operators of facilities where the management of safety associated with dangerous goods / hazardous substances is not part of the core business. In-house expertise is commonly not available to properly manage the associated risk. R4Risk can provide specialised support in these cases.
R4Risk’s general approach is to provide tailored solutions to each client’s needs. In the area of dangerous goods / hazardous substances, R4Risk can review the client’s existing or proposed facility for compliance with the applicable legislative framework. R4Risk would then work with the client to develop appropriate solutions to any issues that were identified.
In many cases, the regulations covering dangerous goods / hazardous substances are performance-based, rather than being purely prescriptive and standards-based. R4Risk’s consultants have extensive experience in managing safety under performance-based regulatory regimes; having assisted many Major Hazard Facilities satisfy their safety and risk management obligations. R4Risk’s clients can draw on this experience in the application of performance-based risk management approaches across many industries to ensure that the optimum solution for their situation is reached.

R4Risk offers a range of services for clients dealing with dangerous goods and hazardous substances:
- Compliance Auditing
- Risk Assessments
- Safety Management
- Review and preparation of Standard Operating Procedures
- Review proposals, providing advice and recommendations to improve safety management and reduce risk.
Refer to the following pages for more information on related services: