Our Services

Accident Investigation
R4Risk can assist organisations to conduct investigations into incidents and near misses in the workplace. Involvement of R4Risk’s facilitators makes their extensive experience with and knowledge of technological and management systems available to the investigation.

Bowtie Analysis
Bow-tie diagrams are a simple and effective tool for communicating risk assessment results to employees at all levels. The diagrams clearly display the links between the potential causes, preventative and mitigative controls and consequences of a major incident.

Business and Operational Risk
R4Risk’s Principal Engineers have worked with major clients in the mining, petroleum and manufacturing sectors to assist those clients with identifying their major risk exposures and setting up systems for ongoing risk management. This professional knowledge and experience is drawn on to ensure that the risk management processes developed are specifically tailored to each individual client’s needs.

Consequence Modelling
Consequence assessment is particularly important for Major Hazard Facilities as the repercussions from an incident may impact people, plant and the surrounding area (community and the environment) a significant distance from the initial source of the hazard.

Dangerous Goods Management
Difficulties can arise for the operators of facilities where the management of safety associated with dangerous goods / hazardous substances is not part of the core business. In-house expertise is commonly not available to properly manage the associated risk. R4Risk can provide specialised support in these cases.

Emergency Response Planning
R4Risk can assist its clients in the development of emergency response scenario plans. These scenario plans provide the client with the information necessary to manage an emergency should such an unfortunate event occur.

Enterprise-wide Risk Management
R4Risk can assist with the development of an Enterprise-wide Risk Management program that provides the necessary flexible and scalable approach to suit the specific objectives and needs of an organisation, with the ability to apply such a program across the entire organisation, or to tailor it to address specific areas of concern.

Fire Safety
The essence of fire safety is to ensure that the fire systems in place and available at a facility are suitable to meet the risks presented by the potential fire scenarios at the facility. This is achieved by modelling the likely impacts of a fire (e.g. tank fire, bund fire, pool fire, jet fire etc.) and then determining the fire protection resources needed to protect against those events.

Hazard Identification
The adequate identification of hazards is a fundamental step in any risk management process as an unidentified hazard cannot be controlled. Therefore, hazard identification is a critical activity.

Hazardous Area Classification
R4Risk can provide specialist advice in the determination of the hazardous zones for a facility handling flammable liquids, vapours, gases or dusts. The classifications are performed and documented in accordance with the applicable standards.

HAZOP Facilitation
R4Risk has experienced HAZOP facilitators available to chair your HAZOP. Their independent facilitation skills will ensure that the HAZOP is conducted efficiently and delivers a balanced output, highlighting potential issues identified with the design or system under analysis.

Hydraulic Analysis
When relying on fire hydrants, monitors, deluge systems and sprinkler systems to protect a facility, it is critical to ensure that the fire protection systems meet the performance requirements necessary to manage the fire exposures that the facility faces.

Major Hazard Facilities
R4Risk understands the requirements and expectations of the different regulatory regimes having worked with clients and the regulators in all states. R4Risk consultants have provided expertise to Worksafe Victoria in the technical assessment of MHF Safety Cases, Department of Mines & Petroleum (WA) for MHF safety report auditing and to Comcare as an MHF expert panel consultant.

Process Safety
Process safety, or Process Safety Management, focuses on preventing catastrophic accidents, particularly fires, explosions and toxic releases associated with the manufacture, storage and use of hazardous chemicals and petroleum products.

Qualitative Risk Assessment
R4Risk’s facilitators have extensive experience in assessing what makes a sound risk management control. They will interrogate the workshop group to ensure that risk management controls nominated by the team are truly effective, and that as a group, the controls will be adequate to manage the hazard

Quantitative Risk Assessment
R4Risk have extensive experience in conducting quantitative risk analysis (QRA) for a wide variety of industrial facilities. The facilities analysed range from bulk storage terminals handling flammable and toxic substances, to petroleum refineries and facilities manufacturing bulk quantities of toxic gases.

Risk Training
R4Risk offers a wide range of training courses in various aspects of risk management and process safety management. Click the link for the full list of courses.

Risk Mentoring
R4Risk’s consultants are giants of risk management and risk-based thinking. Your organisation can stand on these shoulders to help it see, understand and ultimately manage the risk issues that it faces.

Safety Case
R4Risk is well-placed to assist your safety case development / review project. R4Risk understands the requirements and expectations of the different regulatory regimes having worked with clients and the regulators in all states.

SIL Determination
With the specific skills in the application of functional safety combined with extensive knowledge of risk and safety management, R4Risk is well-placed to support any organisation with its Safety Instrumented Systems management requirements.

Occupied Building Risk Assessment
R4Risk can provide guidance on the location and design of temporary and permanently occupied buildings on sites where hazardous materials may present a fire, explosion or toxic hazard to building occupants.

Safety Management System Development
A safety management system (SMS) is an overarching system, covering many disciplines and is implemented facility-wide to manage safety at the site.

Company-Based Training
Alongside our scheduled training courses, R4Risk also provides company-based training to organisations who have multiple employees interested in completing training.