
Brian Cooper

Brian Cooper


Brian is a chemical engineer with 30 years’ experience in high hazard petrochemical manufacturing operations and risk management operations. Brian has been a Director of R4Risk since 2009 and has extensive experience in the application of risk techniques for industrial facilities, having worked for clients across a wide variety of industries, including petroleum, chemical, mining, manufacturing, warehousing and logistics. This includes the preparation of Safety Cases, incident investigations, land-use planning studies, as well as technical studies such as HAZOPs, layers of protection analysis (LOPAs) and fire safety studies.

He has also used those same fundamental risk approaches to assist clients to manage their non-process issues, such as transportation or operational risk exposures. Brian has an intimate knowledge of Major Hazard Facilities regulatory regimes having consulted extensively to government regulators in the implementation of the regulations. This has included the assessment of MHF Safety Cases for WorkSafe Victoria and as a Specialist Technical Advisor to Comcare.

Previously, Brian worked for the Dow Chemical Company in various hands-on operational and technical leadership roles, including Plant Management, Technology Improvement, Process Safety, OH&S, Production Engineering and Project Management.


  • Bachelor of Engineering (Chem) Hons1, University of New South Wales

  • Chartered Chemical Engineer (CEng)

  • Fellow, Institution of Chemical Engineers (FIChemE)

  • TÜV Functional Safety Engineer (FSEng)

  • Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ).