
2016 risk consequence modelling

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2016 - RISK Conference (Consequence Modelling for Emergency Response Scenario Plans)

At the 2016 Risk Engineering Society Conference, Michela Leedow (Senior Risk Consultant) presented on the topic of consequence modelling for emergency response scenario plans. Michela discussed the role of emergency response scenario plans in the emergency preparedness of a facility, and their role in providing a training reference for emergency personnel.

Appropriate consequence modelling is the foundation of a sound emergency response scenario plan as the specific incident conditions should be considered, including materials, equipment involved, site layout and weather conditions.

Michela explained that for fire scenarios, consequence modelling should be used to:

  • Assess the potential impacts for equipment in the vicinity
  • Determine the requirements for cooling water
  • Assess the accessibility of emergency response equipment.

Download the presentation slides here to read about Michela’s presentation in more detail.